Tuesday 2 July 2013


Finally i have managed to record and upload a new video~~~ have been very lazy, and the last video upload was about 2 months ago? lol.

Hope you guys like it! 

I wrote this description on my youtube video description box:

喜欢这组曲因为这首歌描述了从开始爱上一个人,思念他(天空),到(暗示)想要说的话­­都只能藏在心头里,到被拒绝而看透,看开(倒带),怀念以前所有的一切(我怀念的)­,­开始想通让所有思绪一点一点沉淀(阴天),才发现原来所有的,都没有 (抛物线),两个人从恋人变成(最熟悉的陌生人),到必须学着勇敢,坚强(勇气),所­­有的一切还是(值得),因为是真的真心爱过,既然勇敢爱了,就要勇敢分(伤痕),未­来­的两个人,也学着去再次敞开心房,学会爱, 但必须接受的是,一旦失去的,都无法挽回了(后来), 到了最后,最重要的是要学会懂得照顾自己,一定要让自己快乐。(我要快乐)。

所有我也要懂得, 快乐:)

At first i thought that this song was just another you know like "情歌王" song? hehe.. just that its a female version and all. Then i realised that this is just as good man. The whole flow and link up of the songs just made me go wow, as i listen through and ride through the different emotions. The only flaw that i can pick was perhaps Rainie could have done a story mv, lol, like 古巨基。But its ok, the arrangement of 为爱启程 is still great, with the orchestra and all. mygod.  super 赞啦!

and the best thing of all, some of the songs are really songs that i grew up listening to, so 感触alott.

and she sang live hereeeeee



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